DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-505-8855 AZ

Learn about the "Dnh*Godaddy.Com 480 505 8855 Az " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Também aparece na fatura como "DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-505-8855 AZ"

First seen on April 27, 2012, Last updated on May 24, 2012

O que é?

This is a charge from GoDaddy Inc., an American publicly traded Internet domain registrar and web hosting company. It is headquartered in Tempe, Arizona, which is likely why you're seeing "AZ" in your charge. GoDaddy has more than 21 million customers and more than 6,600 employees worldwide.

GoDaddy helps customers with the following:

  • Domain names
  • Websites and hosting
  • Commerce
  • Email and marketing
  • Web professionals

Why this charge may appear on your card

You're likely seeing this charge because you made a payment to GoDaddy.com. If you didn't make this payment, it's possible someone else did, which may be an early indication of fraud.

What can you do?

If you don't recognize the charge, you can contact the GoDaddy Help Center. You can also contact your bank or credit card company and dispute the charges and try to recover the money. Your credit card should have a phone number on the back you can call for customer service.

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